Rigoletto Short Hills (Nakameguro) 온라인 예약

* Business hours are subject to change depending on the situation.
* We charge 10% of Koperto [seat fee] after 17:00 and midnight fee after 22:00.
* The guide will be a 2-hour system until 17:00 and a 2-hour 20-minute system after 17:00.
* Children enter the store from 11:30 to 17:00. In addition, if you are traveling with children, we will limit the number of seats available. Please refrain from bringing in handmade lunch boxes and rice balls.
* We do not accept reservations for free drinks only. (It can be combined with a meal course and can be reserved from 4 people)

■ Reservations from THE HUGE CLUB (restaurant membership point system) are also recommended ■
Membership registration from here
12세 이하
6세 이하


예약자 정보

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